ClaxtonClassicWingPartyJuly 14, 2016 was our “16th Annual Wing Party” with Hooters. The event was held at the Laurel, MD Hooters instead of the usual Baltimore Inner Harbor Hooters. We made the switch for several reasons but one major reason was the planned total renovation of the Baltimore Hooters. They are planning to move to a new location and do some major renovations so we did not want to get caught up in all of that!

We had a great time with about 70 in attendance including Erin Kiernan (FA patient), and Ron Bartek of FARA. We raised $1,000 for FARA! 

Some of the participant comments:

“FARA is an awesome cause! It's so nice to be partnered with a charity that really cares, and goes the extra mile (or many more in Ron's case). Instead of standing with their hands out, FARA uses their hands to lend a hand. That's so great to see!” -Kyle

“Had an absolute blast at this year’s party! One of the best I can remember. It was great to see so many familiar faces and have a chance to get to catch up with everyone.

FARA is a great organization! It's always nice to be a part or something special and a group that supports our efforts. Ron is the best!” -Stephen R. Holt
