May HangoutThe FARA Ambassador Program presents an FA Hangout talking about: Your favorite foods! What are they? Do you follow a diet? How do you make cooking with FA easier? Tell us! May 19th and 20th!

HEADS UP! The Hangout on May 19th will be held at noon Eastern to include the international community better. May 20th will still be held at 8pm.

At FA Hangouts, we laugh, we connect, we hangout, we learn from and about each is so fun! It is just an informal discussion with a theme. We just talk when the theme has run its course, no pressure. People who just want to listen are very welcome!

Every Hangout is open to anyone 18+ with FA and a translator if needed for hearing or speech difficulties. (mark your calendars, FA Hangouts will be the last consecutive Tuesday and Wednesday of the month, except on holidays and the like) at 8-9:30 PM EST.

How: Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to sign up or ask questions. FA Hangouts do fill up. It is first-come, first-served. The earlier you sign up, the more likely you are to get the date and time you want. Lately, all our hangouts have been filling up. If you signed up and can't make it, please let us know so we can give the slot to someone else.

Hangouts will now be held on Zoom! You do not need an account. An email will go out (at the latest) 30 minutes prior to your assigned time with a link to join the Hangout. Feel free to come early for a pre-hang. We will open the hangout room 15 minutes early, but the topic conversations will begin at the top of the hour.