Andrew SorterName: Andrew (Andy) Sorter

Age: 25

Where do you call home? Casper, Wyoming

Education: Graduated high school with some college

What is your relationship status? Who do you live with? I am single and I live with my parents.

What's a typical day for you? A typical day for me is- depending on the day- sleeping in and enjoying time to myself, going to work at the sporting goods store I work in or going to therapy.

How long have you known you are living with FA? I was diagnosed at 8 years old. I got an ear infection and a murmur was discovered. Many tests were run and I had hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and FA.

Are there any others with FA in your family? I do not have any family members with FA

Andrew Sorter 2Describe your transition from walking to walker/wheelchair: I went from using a walker to using a scooter to a wheelchair. This is when I became a full-time wheelchair user.

What do you like to do to stay active and what type of exercises work for you to stay strong? I push myself wherever I go.

Do you have any hobbies or special interests? I enjoy hunting, fishing, and camping.

When FA gets you down, what do you think/do to feel better? I listen to my music.

What is one way living with FA has POSITIVELY affected your life? If I didn't have FA I would not have gotten to meet some of the people I have Senator John Barrasso, and the firefighters..

What is the best advice YOU could give to a person who has been newly diagnosed with FA? It may get hard but don't give up.

What is the first thing you want to do when a cure/treatment to FA is found? First thing I would do is get stronger so I can walk.

"I have FA but FA doesn't have me." What does this statement mean to you? How do you live your life in the face of adversity? It doesn't control my body...I control it. I just live it one day at a time.

FARA Ambassador Brittany Sommerfield