Christina Cordaro
Christina has served as an ambassador since 2013, and was apart of the original leadership team! She dedicates her time to keep the legacy and mission of FAmily member, Matt DiIorio, which is to help others with FA experience the benefits of the FARA community. Christina loves attending live concerts, Buffalo Bills games and going on strolls in the park on her Catrike with her husband, Justin, and their puggle, Max. She works full-time in the hotel industry as well. Her favorite FARA event was her annual 5K Mother’s Day Race for Christina, but now her family’s focus is having Team Christina – The Purple Caped Crusaders at rideATAXIA Philly. Christina would tell someone newly diagnosed “do what you can while you can”.
Christina has served as an ambassador since 2013, and was apart of the original leadership team! She dedicates her time to keep the legacy and mission of FAmily member, Matt DiIorio, which is to help others with FA experience the benefits of the FARA community. Christina loves attending live concerts, Buffalo Bills games and going on strolls in the park on her Catrike with her husband, Justin, and their puggle, Max. She works full-time in the hotel industry as well. Her favorite FARA event was her annual 5K Mother’s Day Race for Christina, but now her family’s focus is having Team Christina – The Purple Caped Crusaders at rideATAXIA Philly. Christina would tell someone newly diagnosed “do what you can while you can”.