Kelley Name: Kelley White

Age: 44

Where do you call home? Nashville, Tennessee

Education degree(s): After I graduated high school, I went to the Tennessee Rehabilitation Center. It's a school for people with different disabilities, anywhere from developmental to physical. I lived there for 10 months (went home some weekends). I earned a clerk/typist certificate. Then I went to work at Volunteer State Community College for almost 17 years.


Who do you live with? I live with my mom and stepdad. I was married, 20 years ago.

What's a typical day for you? A typical day begins with showering, coffee, and breakfast. I have PT twice a week. I recently got a power chair and learned to control it. So I would like to start volunteering somewhere.

How long have you known you are living with FA? I started having symptoms around 7 years old. I was finally diagnosed at the age of 12 after many tests and doctors.

Kelley 3Are there any others with FA in your family? No

Describe your transition from walking to walker/wheelchair. I had a really difficult time walking in junior high and high school. It would just wear me out. I had scoliosis surgery in 1991 and walking became harder. I started using a scooter then a manual wheelchair. It was a big relief.

What do you like to do to stay active and what type of exercises work for you to stay strong? I do PT, we are working on strengthening my core and we do leg stretches.

Do you have any hobbies or special interests? I like to take pictures but my hands don't work good enough to use a camera anymore. I really enjoy listening to music.

When FA gets you down, what do you think/do to feel better? I pray!

What is one way living with FA has POSITIVELY affected your life? I really think it had taught me to be more compassionate. I have a soft heart, especially for animals and "broken" people.

What is a favorite motivational quote of yours? I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

What is the best advice YOU could give to a person who has been newly diagnosed with FA? Life is a struggle, just don't give up. Keep moving.

What is the first thing you want to do when a cure/treatment to FA is found? Move out on my own!

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