Sam Blade Howdy! I'm Sam, a 25-year-old living on Dharug country, NSW Australia.

My journey with FA began at the age of 15. At that moment, I confronted the realization that some of my passions and goals were no longer within easy reach. This period marked a chapter of mixed emotions - mourning the loss of certain aspirations and abilities, adapting to new realities, finding a renewed sense of purpose, and rediscovering bits of myself I thought were lost due to FA. While I can't claim to have it all figured out, my path has seen its share of ups and downs. Nevertheless, I've found my footing and made strides in learning to play my cards right.

In 2018, my life took an unexpected turn when I stumbled upon Wheelchair Fencing while pursuing a Bachelor of Security Studies. Fast forward to 2023, and I've decided to devote 100% of my energy to forging a career in sports, aiming to represent Australia and the FA community.

Beyond the fencing arena, you'll find me spending time with friends and family, chilling with my strange loyal pooch, Pax, reading a good book, and cultivating a mini urban farm in the backyard.