We have finally had some wet weather here in California. Some teammates and I thought that it might be a perfect opportunity to try out our wet weather gear in preparation for the upcoming ride in the Pacific Northwest.

On Thursday Susie and I rode to work in a drizzle. I found out that I need better gloves and I need to install the fenders for my front tires. The spray from the front tires goes straight to my hands and my gloves quickly soaked through...We both noticed that our faces tend to get really cold when they are wet. At 7am on a clear day it is cold but we do not notice the chill in our faces. On Thursday morning everything was pretty warm except our wet faces. We might have to think about this a bit before purchasing a full face mask...

This morning we had another team Brown and Caldwell ride. We met at the Guy West Bridge on the bike trail and the wind was blowing pretty good. I thought I was really smart and suggested that we head east into the wind so we would have a tailwind on the way back...We rode ten miles and when we turned around it seemed that the wind had switched directions! So we rode another ten miles into the wind! So much for planning ahead, Mother nature has a mind of her own! In the end we completed 20 miles and even though we dressed for a blizzard we had sun for most of the morning!
Shirley, Lance, Susie, Diane, Diego, Me

After the training ride I met a friend downtown for the Tour of California time trials. It was pretty amazing to see the speeds these guys were reaching in such a short race.

Lance Armstrong was there and I saw him race. However I am embarrassed to say that I did not realize he had gone by until someone told me. How lame is that? I was watching the faces of the riders assuming I would recognize Lance, instead I should have been reading the name of each rider off their trailing motorcycle.

If something is seen but not recognized, did it really even happen?